Discover Phono-Graphix

Phono-Graphix is a scientifically researched method of teaching reading, spelling, and writing skills to children, teenagers, and adults, including students with dyslexia. As shown in studies (see below), struggling readers can achieve grade-level reading skills in only 12 weeks of PHONO-GRAPHIX reading instruction.

Unlike most reading programs, PHONO-GRAPHIX does not teach rules (that don’t hold true anyways) or teach “the sounds that letters make.” It is built on the concept that sounds in words are represented by sound pictures, and that these sound pictures can be easily decoded.

PHONO-GRAPHIX  teaches the skills needed to read and spell: segmenting, blending, and phoneme manipulation. An educator using PHONO-GRAPHIX teaches the nature of the English written code, but lets the students discover the code themselves. This discovery learning process speaks to the nature of the child, who learns by making mistakes and by engaging in exploration.

A system of error correction is built into PHONO-GRAPHIX, with just the right amount of missing information to engage the student in problem solving and active learning.

The Phono-Graphix reading method has been proven 98% effective at addressing reading problems at any age or ability level. Over 100,000 children have learned to read with the Phono-Graphix Reading Method since 1993.

What makes Phono-Graphix unique?

Phono-Graphix is based on the nature of the English code as described by linguists. Instruction progresses from the sound to the symbol.

Lessons employ the requisite three skills to access such a code, as understood within the field of neuroscience: segmenting, blending, and phoneme manipulation.

Lessons are errorless – every response which doesn’t produce a meaningful answer becomes a highly teachable moment which does. Memory networks are laid down through multiple bidirectional instruction: sound to symbol/symbol to sound, and each response is reinforced by accuracy.

Because our clientele are children, the program is taught in keeping with the way children learn, through paired association embedded in engaging and straightforward lessons.

Phono-Graphix is not based on nor an extension of any other method, theory, or book. Phono-Graphix does not fit into conventional definitions of phonics and we do not consider it a phonics program, but rather a new paradigm in reading instruction based on the true nature of the English written code.

How does it work?

Unlike most reading programs, Phono-Graphix does not teach rules (that don’t hold true anyways) or teach “the sounds that letters make.” It is built on the concept that sounds in words are represented by sound pictures, and that these sound pictures can be easily decoded.

Phono-Graphix teaches the skills needed to read and spell: segmenting, blending, and phoneme manipulation. An educator using Phono-Graphix teaches the nature of the English written code, but lets the students discover the code themselves. This discovery learning process speaks to the nature of the child, who learns by making mistakes and by engaging in exploration. A system of error correction is built into Phono-Graphix, with just the right amount of missing information to engage the student in problem solving and active learning.

Phono-Graphix is research-based, developmentally appropriate, simple, concrete, and affordable. Our powerful intervention program addresses the fundamental skills of decoding, encoding, auditory processing, code knowledge, and sequencing.

Weekly sessions can take place during or after school hours, in the child’s home or school.

Meet our Facilitator

Tracey has worked as an education assistant for the last 17 years. She is a certified special needs assistant, a certified Applied Behavioural Analysis specialist working with children with Autism, a Tutor and now a certified Phono-Graphix Reading Therapist.

Tracey has worked in a range of schools with students with diverse backgrounds and abilities. She is passionate about the educational, social and personal needs of children and therefore has attended a number of courses to ensure she is upskilled and in tune with current evidence-based practises.
Tracey is excited to be a part of introducing families to the Phono-Graphix Reading program and seeing the reading and spelling skills of her students improve over the course of the program.

Tracey is a wife and mum to 3 gorgeous children. She loves to read and hang out with family and friends on her time off.


Get in Touch

Contact us for more information and details on available sessions.